Mark Docherty 0 3 CommunityCustomer EngagementCustomer Marketing August 20, 2020 How to build personal customer relationships from afar The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of life for both businesses and their customers.…Read More
John Sewell 0 2 CommunityCustomer CrowdsourcingCustomer Marketing June 25, 2020 Six Steps to Find, Activate and Empower Brand Advocates Last year’s Advofest conference saw industry leaders come together to share experiences and lessons about…Read More
Tadiwa Ndlovu 0 2 CommunityCustomer CollaborationCustomer Loyalty June 25, 2020 How Birds Eye’s #Solidaritea campaign won the hearts and minds of the UK public At our 2019 Advofest conference we were fortunate enough to host Colin Buckingham, Head of…Read More
John Sewell 0 2 CommunityCrowdsourcingCustomer Marketing June 25, 2020 How the construction community transformed On The Tools into a social media powerhouse Last year we were delighted to welcome Lee Wilcox to speak at Hyve’s Advofest, where…Read More
Tadiwa Ndlovu 0 2 CommunityCustomer MarketingFeatured June 16, 2020 How giffgaff collaborated with customers to power its mobile network While enjoying our daily doses of lockdown TV, many of us have come across adverts…Read More
Amon K 0 4 CommunityCustomer Marketing December 11, 2019 The rise of the Chief Brand Officer The Chief Brand Officer - A role designed to bring CX & Marketing together Innovative…Read More
Amon K 0 3 CommunityCustomer Marketing December 6, 2019 How to build a brand community Why community is the bedrock of brand advocacy In order to create brand advocates, you…Read More